Should You Put Your Car in a Trust?

When planning your estate, it’s natural to wonder what should go into your trust and what might be better left out. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, and even recreational vehicles raise unique considerations when it comes to trusts. Here’s a breakdown to help you navigate the decision.
Placing your car in a trust can simplify the transfer of ownership upon your death. Vehicles titled in your name may need to go through probate—a time-consuming and potentially costly process. A trust avoids this step, ensuring a seamless transition to your intended beneficiary.
Another advantage is privacy. Probate records are public, but the transfer of a car through a trust keeps the details of your estate out of view.
However, there are some drawbacks to consider AND you have to use the right kind of trust for your situation. Many states have simplified probate processes for vehicles, making probate avoidance less critical in certain cases, especially if your spouse survives you. Additionally, retitling your vehicle into the trust may require a visit to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), along with fees and paperwork.
Insurance is another potential hiccup. Some insurance companies may raise questions or require policy updates when a vehicle is owned by a trust, so you’ll need to communicate with your insurer to ensure continuous coverage.
Different Types of Vehicles and Special Situations
Every vehicle type has its own considerations. A family car, for instance, might easily be titled in a trust, while recreational vehicles or collectible cars may require special attention. If your vehicle is used for business purposes or owned by a business entity, it shouldn’t be transferred to a personal trust.
Additionally, depending on the type of trust you have, you might not want to commingle your vehicle (considered a “hot” or dangerous asset) with your other assets such as your house, bank accounts, or investment accounts.
Medicaid Planning and Vehicle Exemptions
For those concerned about Medicaid eligibility, it’s worth noting that one vehicle is typically exempt when calculating assets. Transferring a car into a trust could complicate this exemption. If Medicaid planning is part of your estate strategy, speak with an attorney before making any decisions about your vehicle.
What Happens to Your Vehicle Upon Death?
If your car isn’t in a trust, it becomes part of your probate estate unless it has a designated transfer-on-death (TOD) beneficiary or joint owner. A TOD designation allows your car to bypass probate and pass directly to the named individual – just like other beneficiary designations on financial accounts!
Ultimately, whether to place your car in a trust depends on your specific circumstances. Factors like the value and type of vehicle, your state’s probate laws, and your broader estate planning goals all play a role. Discussing these details with your estate planning attorney ensures your decision aligns with your overall strategy—saving time, money, and potential headaches for your loved ones down the road.