A Guardianship Panel Allows Flexibility
When it comes to selecting a guardian (i.e. a “backup parent”) for your children, not every parent has a clear-cut decision. Who do you choose if you don’t have extended family with whom you are close? Or what if you are close to your family, but worry that the person who would make the best guardian […]
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Taking Stock of the Future
Learning about investing is like learning another language—a language of numbers and symbols and percentages. Although everybody wants to grow their money, not everybody has the time to learn this new language. Luckily, there are an abundance of people who have learned the language of investing, and whose job is to help the rest of […]
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The Gift of Education
Your grandson’s birthday is coming up, and once again you’re stumped for ideas. You may wonder, is there something other than video games I can give him; something with a lasting value? How about an education? Give your children or grandchildren the most useful gift of their lives, and benefit yourself as well; contribute to […]
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Probable… probably… PROBATE
“Probate” is a term that is mentioned quite a bit in the estate planning world. We’re always talking about the process of probate, the cost of probate, the list of “horribles” with probate, and how to avoid it. With all this talk of probate, a definition and description of the process seems in order. Probate is the […]
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Will You Outlive Your Money?
All of us know about saving for retirement, but how much do any of us know about spending during retirement? With fewer people receiving pensions, and more and more retirees using a combination of IRAs, 401(k)s, stock investments and real estate, your retirement income can begin to look like something even an economics expert would […]
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Estate Planning Advice From Shakespeare
“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” (Sonnet XVIII by William Shakespeare, b. Apr. 23, 1564, d. Apr. 23, 1616) People do some strange things with their Last Wills and Testaments, and Shakespeare was no exception. One item in William Shakespeare’s will, for […]
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Estate Planning for the YouTube Generation
The internet has changed the way we live…and divorce. It started with video wills, and now Fox News just reported that Playwright Tricia Walsh-Smith is ranting about her divorce from the wealthy husband on YouTube. It is undeniable that technology and the internet have changed all areas of our lives, and the law is no […]
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6 Key Elements of a Health Care Directive
April 16th is National Healthcare Decisions Day, a day dedicated to “ensuring that all adults with decision-making capacity in the United States have the information and opportunity to communicate and document their healthcare decisions.” Our firm is in complete support of such a goal. In fact, we include a Health Care Directive as an important […]
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The Key Word in Your Estate Plan
What is the most important word in your estate plan? It is the key word that determines when your successor trustee takes over, when the agent nominated in your Healthcare Directive gets the authority to make health care decisions for you, and when your financial Power of Attorney goes into effect. That word is “incapacity”. With so […]
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Leaving a Legacy
I am not a baseball fan, but watch the games occasionally. April marks the opening of baseball season, the season of the great American past-time; a season when, every few years, an average Joe can step up to the plate and make himself a national hero. One of the most famous of those heroes is […]
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