Make the Summer Slump Productive
Some of our clients are business owners and the hot months from June to August, can be an excruciatingly slow period for some of them. They experience a slow summer slump while their client base goes off on vacation or relaxes at the beach. But rather than viewing this time with dread, why not look […]
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Good Fences Make. . . Good Partners?
Business partners often end up with strong friendships, but is it possible for friends to succeed as business partners? It would seem to be a natural evolution; you know each other, you like each other, enjoy spending time together, and work well together. But the transition from friends to partners may not be as easy […]
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Big Kudos for Small Businesses
“The entrepreneur is our visionary, the creator in each of us. We’re born with that quality and it defines our lives as we respond to what we see, hear, feel, and experience. . . The entrepreneur in us sees opportunities everywhere we look. . . “ – Michael Gerber, founder and chairman of E-Myth Worldwide The […]
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Passing on the Torch
Will your business still be in the family 400 years from now? The answer to that is “probably not”. Statistically, only 40% of family owned businesses survive to the second generation, 12% to the third, and 3% to the fourth. One reason for this might be lack of interest by subsequent generations, another might be […]
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