Make the Summer Slump Productive

Some of our clients are business owners and the hot months from June to August, can be an excruciatingly slow period for some of them. They experience a slow summer slump while their client base goes off on vacation or relaxes at the beach. But rather than viewing this time with dread, why not look at the summer slump as an opportunity? This slow period can be a great time to delve into the inner workings of your business and make improvements, as this article by Colleen LeBaise on Smart Money’s Small Business site recommends.

Our office just celebrated the end of our second quarter. Having just passed the  milestone, I want to remind our business clients that summer is the perfect time to execute their midyear check-ups; reviewing performance and finances from the first half of the year and planning ahead for the next half. DeBaise’s article has further suggestions for turning these idle summer days into productive powerhouse moments, including networking with professionals and creating a disaster plan.

During this time when you are performing your reviews and making plans for the future is a perfect time to touch base with our office, and we can help you plan not only for any possible natural disasters, but for legal, financial, and personnel disasters as well.

Take advantage of these slow summer months to get done all those things you only have time to think about during the busy portion of the year. Before you know it business will be heating up as the weather cools down in fall, and then the holidays will be upon us. Give yourself a head start in these long dog days of summer.